Antoine Lukinga is a missionary who after taking care of the poorest, suffered from a very deep personal crisis and decided to go back to her home in Tanzania.

There, she formed her own religious Community, the Divine Mercy Sisters of Iringa.

She spent long months just wandering, without knowing how to start the journey towards the dream she had inside.

The Bishop lent her one of his properties to begin, but with almost no electricity and water. Some time later, she received a letter informing that she had to leave and go somewhere else.

She was shocked, and even in the dark, she started walking..just following the light of the stars. She walked through bushes, she got bruised, she cried in the darkness with only Saint Filomena on her mind. Suddenly she saw a big tree and ran towards it.

There, she met an old man, they talked about each other’s stories: the man had lost all his children and decided to give her a plot of land he owned, as a gift.

That was the beginning of the Congregation of the Divine Mercy Sisters and where, A Possibility of Life is going to build a house for them, a school, a dispensary, an orphanage ,etc. To help the village.

Antoine Lukinga i Xesca Sampol